Custom Formatting referencing another field


New member

In some of my tables I have a currency field and I use custom formatting to add the currency symbol in front of the currency value. Now I need to support different currencies, but I need to keep the currency field numeric to be able to do calculations on it.

The only way I thought was to add another field, currency_symbol, to the table and then the person can select the currency symbol from a predefined list, radio buttons.

When I try to format the currency value in view mode through a custom formatting function, only the value of the currency field is send to the function. Is there a way to reference the currency_symbol field in the custom function to be able to add the proper symbol in the resultant string to be send back? Or is there another way of doing this?


Staff member
at the moment it is not possible, it is in the to-do list, though.

I can't think about any other method to achieve the result you need: you could use a view to pre-format the field value but you will get a value that is not numeric anymore.



New member
Hi Eugenio

Thanks for the feedback.

There is maybe one other option and that is to create a 3rd field, text field, but make it a calculated field. The custom function can then calculate the currency value with the currency symbol and export it. In the grid view and details page, I can then show the 3rd calculated field and not show the other 2 fields.

The insert and edit forms will still show the first 2 fields.

I will try this option and see how it works.

Best regards,