LDAP Configuration for Active Directory


New member

I am excited to try out this product. So far, I have installed the sales application to work through all the configuration issues.

At the bottom are my test configuration. I am having issues with getting my active directory to work.

What is the functionality when I use ldap? It didn't seem like as an admin, I can search active directory to add users. Can this be done by the admin? I also tried to login using my AD account just to see if my user would get added to the users group. It just goes to a login screen the following URL: http://localhost/login.php?function=check_login

My Active Directory settings are as follows:

$ldap_base_dn_ar[0]['attribute_name'] = 'OU';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[0]['attribute_value'] = 'Employees';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[1]['attribute_name'] = 'OU';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[1]['attribute_value'] = 'Our_Users';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[2]['attribute_name'] = 'DC';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[2]['attribute_value'] = 'Our';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[3]['attribute_name'] = 'DC';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[3]['attribute_value'] = 'company';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[4]['attribute_name'] = 'DC';
$ldap_base_dn_ar[4]['attribute_value'] = 'local';


OU=Employees,OU=Our_Users,DC=our,DC=company,DC=local,our [AD_Server.our.company.local]
I have made this a generic to obfuscate.

Perhaps I have done this wrong? If I make any update to the config.php file, what do I have to do to make sure the configuration gets used by the application? Re-install the application? Re-start the server? Thank you very much for your help!

You are using DaDaBIK version 8.2-Lerici enterprise, installed on 01-12-2018 (installation code: 0), the latest version of DaDaBIK is released on --

You are not running the last release of DaDaBIK, the release you are running might have bugs and security holes, see the official change log for further information. You can upgrade DaDaBIK here.

PHP Version: 7.1.7

mysql version: 5.6.35-log

Web server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.62 Safari/537.36


Staff member
I am not sure about your LDAP question: the LDAP authentication allows to login using an LDAP user instead of using a DaDaBIK user, what have you tried so far, you tried to login and what happened exactly?

About the configuration file, you don't need to do anything: once you modify the file the application starts using the modified version immediately.



New member
Hi Eugenio,

Sorry for the delay in response. I can login with the root and alfonso users which are the dadbik users.
I guess I don't understand how to leverage ldap authentication.

Do I need to create a dadbik user with the same user name as in my active directory so when that user tries to login to the dadabik application, they use the checkbox for LDAP and LDAP does the authentication and if its correct, they are logged on to the application?

As an administrator, how do I create user accounts by browsing my active directory to select a set of user to be included for the application? Is that even possible? How do I make sure my LDAP settings in the cofig file correct? It doesn't seem like the authentication is working. Do you have any further documentation on this? Thanks for the help again!


Staff member
let's try to clarify how LDAP authentication work in DaDaBIK, first: if you enable LDAP authentication, you should be able to login using LDAP credentials (base dn defined in config.php, $ldap_base_dn_ar). You don't need to copy the users, DaDaBIK automatically does that .

You can't select a set of users to be included by browsing your active directory.
