select boxes not working


Hipolito Nunez

I am trying to use foreign keys feature of databik when enter sql:select field1 from table1 where field2 = 0

It will show the correct values in the select box but it does not insert the values, it just insert an empt record.

Thanks for any assistance



I am also experiencing this problem. I'm using DaDaBIK-2.2_beta.

Is this a bug or an Internal Table Manager configuration issue?


I have a problem with foreign keys also. One field in my "users" table uses a foreign key ("userGroups.groupName") to get "groupName" options from a "usersGroups" table. When the empty Insert form is displayed, all the group names appear (as multiple checkboxes) properly. But inserting a new record doesn't affect the userGroups table like it should, but instead inserts the group name in the "groups" field of the "users" table.

Likewise, if I search for a record that has information in the userGroups table, the form gets the proper checkboxes, but they're all empty, not showing the information in the userGroups.groupName field.

Basically, the foreign key is only displaying the options (all of the group names from usersGroups), but not the data (*which* groups a user belongs to). I'm no expert with mysql, so I don't really know where the problem is, or even if it's my configurtion or a problem with DaDaBIK. :-\