Form layout and search to edit


Steve White

Great program! I am pretty new to all of this, so please put up with my ignorance… I am trying to make a form that asks users several questions. I have been able to setup all the multiple select boxes, and stuff through the internal table settings. I have worked some in header.php and been able to put something that looks like my website in there so that the form looks like it belongs, but my question is, can I change the location of the input fields, and move them around? For example, I’d like to put: CITY and STATE right next to each other, as opposed to right over each other. If this is possible, where do I need to do this from? Header.php, form.php, stylesheet?… I’m at a loss…

Also, ( this is a two part question) I’d like to go straight from a select straight to editing a record. What I am trying to do is setup a login and password for users, that then let’s them edit and change the rest of their profile information…

Thanks in advance!!!


Steve White

Well, you idiot, don't you know your not supposed to ask questions like that!? You are officially being ignored, so go figure it out yourself....

Steve White

Well, thanks a lot! I did figure it out, so stick it!


Have a look at this tuturial -->

How To Create A PHP Front-End To Your MySQL Database Using DaDaBIK



Okay Rude American share your revelation with us. The poor the downtrodden etc.

Tell us how you did it I', trying to do it myself and followed your article and didn't learn anything.


Not so Rude afterall American

OK... I Just got the Dadabik form screen, did a view source, copied it, and made it into an HTML form that called form.php. I then edited form.php and started down the path of hacking a little php code. Once you stare at form.php, index.php, header and footer.php for about 3 days straight, you will begin to figure it all out, and can eventually do some decent php coding after a couple of weeks at it. PHP is only slightly harder than working with HTML. Dadabik is actually very clean, and organized. I really don’t know if the author indented on having people mod his code all up or not, but mine is… One hint… have one good copy of everything of Dadabik so you can always go back if you screw something up too bad…

I might do some work for you for a fee if you like. I am pretty familiar with Dadabik now.