foreign keys, hyperlinks, all that jazz....


Cliff James


First i'd like to say that DaDaBIK is great, it's already saved me a lotta work.

But i have a problem that (hopefully) someone can help me with. I have two tables, Customer and TaxInfo (sorry, it's a utility and taxation info system for a small town). Now, i'm trying to make it so that when you enter a new cutomer, or search for one, it brings up the customer info, AND a link to the tax info form pertaining to that customer. I'm having difficulty with the whole foreign key, linking to the appropriate form thing.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanx in advance..



Cliff James wrote:
> Hi.
> First i'd like to say that DaDaBIK is great, it's already
> saved me a lotta work.
> But i have a problem that (hopefully) someone can help me
> with. I have two tables, Customer and TaxInfo (sorry, it's a
> utility and taxation info system for a small town). Now, i'm
> trying to make it so that when you enter a new cutomer, or
> search for one, it brings up the customer info, AND a link to
> the tax info form pertaining to that customer. I'm having
> difficulty with the whole foreign key, linking to the
> appropriate form thing.

This feature is not supported by DaDaBIK at the moment.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)