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  1. D

    custom display/required shows hint when false returned

    When using a custom display/required function I find that when false/false is returned (e.g. no display, not required) that the hint for the field is displayed in place of the field (and the rest of the hints are shifted right based on the length of the hint). Is there a way to suppress this...
  2. D

    Is it ok to add a .htaccess deny file to the include directory?

    Without a .htaccess file (apache) in the include directory a browser can access files like .txt, .json, .js if the name is known, which could be a potential security problem. I added a .htaccess file and it seemed to work ok, but will that break anything else? Thanks Your current DaDaBIK...
  3. D

    How to cause a delete operation to fail cleanly

    Under certain conditions (based on the content of other tables) I need a delete request on a table entry to fail cleanly (display the reason). The before delete hook seems like the right place but it doesn't return a value (e.g. to force a failure), and calling die() is probably a bad idea...
  4. D

    Allow non-administrators to add/edit users (2019)

    I would like to create a user group that can do everything the admin group can except edit the application (to prevent a customer from breaking the app itself while allowing them control of all app related data). I tried the obvious of granting the new group all permissions on the dadabik_users...