Search results

  1. N

    Case sensitivity of select single options - how to prevent?

    I've got some enums in my records and mysql isn't case sensitive (on the default character sets) so I can search these with mixed case no problem. However, dadabik has to match the field's case exactly with the "Option to include" field in the configration (e.g. "TheName" in a select_single...
  2. N

    Implementing custom "ORDER BY" SQL terms?

    I've got a field in my database (job_custom_code) that is a 2 numeric digits, a letter and then a multi-digit number (concatenated together - e.g. 10Y23) and I search on the first 3 characters and then sort the results by the number at the end. To do a proper sort on it I need the sql term...
  3. N

    Status of classic "hacks"?

    Now that Eugenio is back and actively developing what is going to hapen to the "classic hacks" developed by the user base in the meantime that everyone seems to use? I'm thinking of some of the ones on JD's website ( - especially "static", "calendar popup"...
  4. N

    Adding a content-sensitive icon to the results table?

    I’m looking at how to add an “urgent” flag to a record displayed in the results table. The idea is that it displays an extra icon in the cell where the “edit/delete/details” icons appear in a displayed result row. I’ve got as far as proving the idea of showing an extra icon works in...
  5. N

    Some thoughts about linked tables

    I'm experimenting with 4.3b and I am thinking about how the table linking works for users. In the demo looking at the "albums tab" the linked "songs" appear at the bottom with all 3 edit/delete/details options shown. This doesn't appear to be changeable and isn't the same as the options set...
  6. N

    Table select sequence bug in 4.3b

    I managed to track down some odd behaviour when switching tables and editing records. The following is from the 4.3 demo with sql debug turned on. Start in "Albums table" - click "show all". Your SQL query (for debugging purpose): SELECT `albums_tab`.`ID_album`, `albums_tab`.`title_album`...
  7. N

    Extending content type "url" to understand file:/// ??

    The db application I am designing has a table field that is a path to a directory (currently implemented as a hyperlink in an excel spreadsheet). It looks like I should be able to do this in dadabik by modifying the url content type. This looks like I should only need to change function...
  8. N

    Linked table entries not visible in "details" view

    This looks like a bug in the 4.3beta. It can be seen in the demo if "details" view is turned on for the album_tab - the linked songs don't list in details, but they are there in the "insert" view. It would also be good if the "insert item" bit at the bottom of the edit dialog had some kind of...
  9. N

    Table select drop down box disappears when table empty!

    I have an issue when one of the tables in my database is empty. If this table is selected there is a "No records found." message and the table selector and records per page drop-down boxes disappear completely so it is not possible to select a different table. This isn't too much of an issue if...
  10. N

    How to stop illegal dates in the date picker?

    Hi Folks - first question from a new dadabik user - apologies if it is a stupid one... I'm looking at ways to prevent entering impossible dates into the date select fields (e.g. 31st september). I presume this could be fixed in the build_date_select function? Any suggestions? Neil