Search results

  1. J

    Adding jQuery form validation - HOW TO

    This HOW TO is for DaDaBIK 4.2 What you will need: The jQuery validation plugin from this site. └► It requires jQuery 1.3.2 or 1.4.2 which can be downloaded from here. └► (Default download option for...
  2. J

    My DaDaBIK Demo

    I have put up a working demo of DaDaBIK for everyone to check out. I knew nothing about databases when I started with version 2.1 several years ago but was quickly hooked on this wonderful program. Since then I have built and maintain three intranet websites that use the latest version of...
  3. J

    Set focus onLoad

    Here is a snippet of code you can use to set the focus onLoad to a specific form field when a user loads an insert, edit or search form on your DaDaBIK powered web site. Open your header.php and replace your <body> tag with the following: /* Begin code <?php if ($function ===...
  4. J

    Replace icons with text - HOW TO

    I thought I had read in one of these posts on how to replace the Delete / Update / Details icons with text links and the only thing I found was this post and it may be the original post I used to change my install but is lacking in detail so I'll explain how I changed my icons to text. The line...
  5. J

    Search Form

    I am wanting to modify the search form layout from a single column of text labels and a single column of input fields to two columns of input fields with the text labels above each input field. Current Form: Text Label Input Field Text Label Input Field Text Label Input Field Text Label Input...