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  1. L

    [08] Error: during query execution

    Dadabik version 4.2 I'm receiving the following message when trying to access my databik installation on this site: (go there and you'll see what I mean). 'services' is the name of the table. [08] Error: during query execution. SELECT FROM `services` DBMS server said...
  2. L

    Add Link to Footer

    Is there a way to add a link to the footer? I've played with it, adding a link after this point in footer.php: ************** <?php if ($show_record_numbers_change_table !== 0) { ?> <hr class="onlyscreen"> <table width="100%" class="onlyscreen"> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php echo...
  3. L

    Change "Record Correctly Updated"

    Can anyone tell me where I go to change the text that displays when a record is edited? Right now it says 'record correctly updated.' Thanks, Linda
  4. L

    Change Text: function=show_insert_form&table_name

    I'd like to change the text users see in the interface that allows users to input data. I can't seem to find the file that will allow me to do this. The full link for that particular area looks like this...
  5. L

    How Do I Run Install.php?

    I'm very new to this and don't know how to 'run' install.php. Help? I did do a search in other posts but didn't find an answer. Thanks, Linda