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Is it possible not showing the "SHOW REVISIONS" buitton in the forms?

Thanks for the help

Your current DaDaBIK version​

You are using DaDaBIK version 11.12-Elba enterprise, installed on 25-03-2024 (installation code: XXXX), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 11.12-Elba released on 30-11-2023

You are running the latest release of DaDaBIK

In case you want to upgrade to a more powerful edition (from Pro to Enterprise/Platinum, from Enterprise to Platinum) please contact us.

System info​

PHP Version: 7.3.31-1~deb10u5

mysql version: 5.5.5-10.3.39-MariaDB-0+deb10u2

Web server: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian)

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

URL installation: http://myip/app_gest_dir/


DaDaBIK Guru
It only shows for members of the admin group so that's one way to manage it - if you need people to have some admin rights create a new group and assign them what they need, they won't see the revisions button.