Generate graphic reports with time


New member
Hi Eugenio,

Is it possible to generate a report with time data?

Right now I got what I wanted just by converting the time to seconds, but I would like to be able to do the same thing with the h:mm format or similar.


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Staff member
if you have time data in your database it is certainly possible, can you be more specific, what do you want to achieve exactly?



New member
Basically I have two tables, one to manage customer repairs, and one to manage internal repairs for my company.
What I want to get is a pie chart, which tells me the total working hours of an operator, divided by customer repairs and internal repairs. I hope I explained myself.

As I told you if I run the query with the total seconds I get the graph, but if I try to format it as "h:mm" then I can't get the graph.

To manage formatting I use this method:

TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME( *here I insert the total seconds* ), "%H:%i")


Staff member
I don't have enough information to answer ... I don't know if you are using a view or an advanced graph, I don't know the whole query you are using, I don't know if you are getting an error message (you just said "I can't get the graph.").



New member
Hi Eugenio, I wish you a happy new year.

Sorry if I haven't given you all the information you need to be able to answer me.

- I am extracting data from a normal table.
- I am using the SQL advanced report.
- I am not receiving any error messages, I simply cannot see the chart, but only the labels.

The query I'm running is this:

SELECT "Riparazioni" as "Etichetta", TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(SUM((CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_riparazioni, ':', -1) as UNSIGNED) + (CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_riparazioni, ':', 1) as UNSIGNED) * 60))) * 60), "%H:%i") as "Tempo di Lavoro"
FROM riparazioni
WHERE id_operatore = 13 && tempoLavoro_riparazioni IS NOT NULL && YEAR(dataRiparazione_riparazioni) = 2021


SELECT "Riparazioni Interne" as "Etichetta", TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(SUM((CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_ripInterne, ':', -1) as UNSIGNED) + (CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_ripInterne, ':', 1) as UNSIGNED) * 60))) * 60), "%H:%i") as "Tempo di Lavoro"
FROM riparazionisaetinterne
WHERE id_operatore = 13 && tempoLavoro_ripInterne IS NOT NULL && YEAR(dataRiparazione_ripInterne) = 2021

But this is what I get:

And if I use this query, without formatting the total seconds:

SELECT "Riparazioni" as "Etichetta", SUM((CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_riparazioni, ':', -1) as UNSIGNED) + (CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_riparazioni, ':', 1) as UNSIGNED) * 60))) * 60 as "Tempo di Lavoro"
FROM riparazioni
WHERE id_operatore = 13 && tempoLavoro_riparazioni IS NOT NULL && YEAR(dataRiparazione_riparazioni) = 2021


SELECT "Riparazioni Interne" as "Etichetta",SUM((CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_ripInterne, ':', -1) as UNSIGNED) + (CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX (tempoLavoro_ripInterne, ':', 1) as UNSIGNED) * 60))) * 60 as "Tempo di Lavoro"
FROM riparazionisaetinterne
WHERE id_operatore = 13 && tempoLavoro_ripInterne IS NOT NULL && YEAR(dataRiparazione_ripInterne) = 2021

I get this: