Search results

  1. juergen_mueller

    Multilingual menu items

    Maybe it's possible to implement a multilingual menu option as for labels - if it does not exist already ;-) ? Would be great.
  2. juergen_mueller

    ssh tunnel to database

    Hi I would like (because I would need it for a specific reason) to establish a database connection via a SSH tunnel. Is this possible with DaDaBik, generally speaking? I have this code generated by ChatGPT. Will this work ? <?php // SSH server credentials $ssh_host = 'your_ssh_host'; // SSH...
  3. juergen_mueller

    Enhance (bar)chart option

    In some cases I would like to create a custom barchart with more than one value, e.g. Select label AS Label, sum(value) AS Value1, sum(value2) AS Value2 from chart01 GROUP BY label This is, however, not possible yet. Would be a great extra feature ;-)
  4. juergen_mueller

    Disable header for public pages

    Hi, I'd like to hide the the header or at least the login button for public pages.. Maybe, there's already a solution / work around for that?
  5. juergen_mueller

    Just a clarification for DaDaBik 11.10

    Hi Eugenio This is my setup: Your current DaDaBIK version You are using DaDaBIK version 11.10-Elba platinum, installed on 14.07.2023 (installation code: 18715640b0045366e6), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 11.11-Elba released on 27.09.2023 You are not running the last release of DaDaBIK, the...
  6. juergen_mueller

    PDF from view with own template

    I tried to create a PDF from a view using an own template. My view contains a number SELECT statements from other tables than the main one. When I try to use an own PDF template, it does not show any records (dadabik_field MYFIELD dadabik_field), just things like logo and labels I created. I...
  7. juergen_mueller

    Define DaDaBIK template header (and footer perhaps)

    Hi It would be very helpful to define custom header and footer rows in DaDaBIK's Datagrid template builder (layout). Maybe you take this into consideration. Thanks Juergen
  8. juergen_mueller

    Calculation and filters

    Hello I'm not sure whether this could be done with DaDaBik: I have a number of tables with fields calculated by a dadabik_function. Some of this fields should be summed up. I can do that using the Pivot table option and a sql query; the results are shown by using a hook on a result page...
  9. juergen_mueller

    Hide page from menu

    Please add a feature / option to hide any page(s) from the menu, not only custom pages. Thanks
  10. juergen_mueller

    use of a calculated field value for another calculation

    Hi, I tried to use a calculated value for a calculation in another field of the same table. I can see the correct value in the edit form, however, it's not stored in the database nor visible in the result_grid. I guess, it's not possible to do so, or am I wrong? Best Juergen PS. The manual...
  11. juergen_mueller

    Advanced SQL issue

    Hello I'm using an Advanced SQL query like this one: --- Select year AS Jahr,sum( expense ) AS Betriebskosten, (Select share FROM flats WHERE user_group = 2 ) AS Anteil,(Select flat FROM flats WHERE user_group = 2 ) AS Wohnung,ROUND( sum(( Select SHARE FROM flats WHERE user_group = 2 )*...
  12. juergen_mueller

    Embed code headers

    Hi For a specific application I'm going to use embed code more extensively (mainly advanced sql reporting). However, I'm not sure how or even whether it's possible to modify the iframe table headers to a more user friendly format and content. Example: I could not find any thread exploring...
  13. juergen_mueller

    Restrict add/edit up to a certain time

    Hi I don’t know whether somebody else asked the same thing already, forum search didn’t bring up a result. Is there a function allowing to add or edit a record until a certain date and time. Example: A user wants to book an event or anything else on a given date and time, e.g. 01.08.2022...
  14. juergen_mueller

    PDF name

    Hi Eugenio I am writing some PDF templates for certain outputs. So far it works fine unless I want to change the name of the PDF file to anything I would like to set (e.g. variable from a field). Using $pdf->Output('anyname.pdf', 'I'); results in a blank page apart from header and footer What...
  15. juergen_mueller

    hook for calculating sum

    Hi, I tried to show the sum of a column in a result grid but my function fails: $hooks['MYTABLE']['resultsgrid_header']['before'] = 'dadabik_sum'; function dadabik_sum($id_user) { global $conn; $result= "SELECT SUM(total) AS totalsum FROM MYTABLE where id_user = :id_user"; $row =...
  16. juergen_mueller

    operational hook issue

    Hi Eugenio I still an issue when trying to send en email via operational hook, like: $hooks['my_users']['update']['before'] = 'dadabik_send_notice_before_ddbk_users_update'; function ddadabik_send_notice_before_ddbk_users_update($id_user) { global $conn; // get the username from the...
  17. juergen_mueller

    font awesome in button label

    Hi, Eugenio Is there a way to use font awesome for a button label, like $custom_buttons['MYTABLE'][$cnt]['label'] = '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i> PDF '; So far, it failed. Cheers Juergen
  18. juergen_mueller

    Display session variable in PDF template

    Hi Eugenio I want to add a user's user_name into a PDF template, either in the header_template or in the public function HEADER of the related php file Is there way to add a session variable like $_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']["username_user"], particularly for a grid view? Thanks, Juergen
  19. juergen_mueller

    Custom PDF export

    Hi Eugenio I want to add a custom pdf export to a details view. I followed your documentation on how to set up a custom PDF export feature: - I disabled $export_to_pdf_feature and enabled $parse_pdf_php_template_even_if_export_pdf_disable - I created a layout hook (and a custom button as an...
  20. juergen_mueller

    $_Session for groups table?

    Hi Is it possible to use a session variable for the groups table looking like this example $_SESSION['logged_group_infos_ar']["name_group"] ? Best Juergen